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Weaving gorgeous Pre-Inca Peruvian textile by an indiginous woman at the Alpaca Farm. The colors are blended by all kinds of natural pigment, for example the red seeds from a cactus. The acient Peruvians manage to express themselves by the creative medium and art of textile in a way no other culture would ever equal!

Awana kancha is an organisation linked to the Andean people who keep the exceptional legacy alive, preserve acient spinning and weaving techniques and assist in development of local communities.

#backstrapweaving #textile #andeanpeople #alpaca #farm #preinca #incas #color #peru #creative #art #culture #legacy #weaving #development #community #globalgoals #sdgs #sdg #sustainable #travel #worldschool @awanakancha #travelphotography #travelling #perudestinations


Set Sail!

IvoDecember 10, 2018

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