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On our travels we’ve seen lots of women working on a more gender-balanced world. Today it’s International Women’s Day and we like to promote the Feminist tour in Bolivia! On this tour you can learn about the historic and ongoing struggles of the women of La Paz to be educated, to have control over their bodies and to have their voices and proposals heard in this society that is still so largely machista, despite recent progressive legislation. For info and booking ask @colibricamping or @upclosebolivia or visit :

#Globalgoals #Goal5 #Genderequality #Womenempowerment #Feministtour #LaPaz #Bolivia #Promotion #Women #Genderbias #UNDP #spreadtheword #rights #Equal #Girls #Travel #Visitbolivia #fashonistas #Cholitia #sisterhood #BalanceforBetter #IWD2019



IvoSeptember 26, 2018

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