Imagine, you are walking through one of the biggest Metropoles of South America. As you breath in the polluted hot air the city exhales, you walk around the corner, the air becomes colder and you breath in fresh air.
There it is! The shining example of green architecture in a city full of greenhouse gas. The worlds highest green garden with at least 115.000 plants vertical on the facade of the building is found by the name of Santalaia. We had a private tour by the gardener, he explained he is cutting and working on the garden all year around. Very inspiring is the efficient use of water from the building, they use rainwater, potable, shower and toilet water, it’s cleaned and filtered and added nutrition/compost for the plants. As you walk towards the building you can feel the clean and refreshing air, it’s perfect for heat stress. It’s immense and a good example for others as we found a few more other green walls in Bogota. This is how all future buildings should look like in the big city’s don’t you think?
#goal11 #sustainablecities #goal13 #climateaction #goal6 #cleanwater #goal15 #lifeonland
#globalgoals #sdgs #sdg #sustainable #development #goals #colombia #bogota #architecture #green #verticalgarden #heatstress
#rainwater #recyclewater #biodiversity #plants #nature #building #metropole #greenhousegas #co2reduction