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This is currently the largest solar thermal plant in the world, in California’s Mojave Desert. The Ivanpah Solar Thermal Power Plant generates 400 megawatts of clean energy every day and deploys 173,500 heliostats that reflect the suns rays on to three solar towers. It covers 4,000 acres of desert. As the plant is reaching its optimal production level, there is some discussion about the amount of natural gas needed at night. We like these ambitious projects.

#Goal7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
Global Goals for Sustainable Development
The Global Goals
United Nations Development Programme – UNDP

NRG Energy Google Verenigde Staten California Visit The USA

#solar #power #thermal #plant #california #mojave #desert #ivanpah#megawatt #naturalgas #ambitious #projects #sdgs #sdg #unitednations#energy #renewable



IvoDecember 24, 2018

Fresh Fishers.

IvoDecember 17, 2018

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